Our pastor, the Reverend Rick Yramategui, has been an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ since 1988. Before coming to Carmel Valley, Rick served local churches in Minnesota and Iowa. A graduate of United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities, he has also served on several national church boards. Prior to entering the ministry, Rick made his living as a musician in Southern California and he continues to perform and teach here on the Monterey Penninsula as time allows.
Rick is particularly interested in liberation theologies, environmental ethics, world religions, and music and spirituality. He also composes music and his liturgical musical settings are often a part of our worship service. During his summer of 2015 sabbatical, he completed a music composition program at the European American Musical Alliance in Paris, France and is currently studying with EAMA professor Dr. Benjamin Boyle. Rick can be contacted at the Chapel office during his business hours or by email.